Collection: Baby Cot & Cribs

Why does your baby need their own bed?

Start With Sleep

Everyone has different opinions about sleeping arrangements, but no one can argue this: You need sleep and so does your baby. Start with a crib and build your nursery around it.

"The most important piece of furniture is the crib."  |  "It's highly regulated and the safest sleep environment possible."

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends sharing the same room with your baby for the first 6 months. (Though not the same bed -- babies should always have their own sleep surface.)

Speaking of safety, some cribs come with a smell: That's the gasses from paint and glue. It'll go away after a while, especially if you air out the room consistently. If being green is important to you, RaaB™ Family Multi-Functional Baby Cot can be your choice.